All of us are impacted by traffic and transportation because we either travel frequently ourselves or rely on it to meet our daily needs.
A traffic and transportation consultant’s job is a specialised area of civil engineering whose goal is to ensure the efficient movement of people and products most safely and sustainably possible through a range of methods, in-depth research, and modelling approaches.
Traffic engineering looks at how to best manage the capacity and safety of existing and planned road infrastructure by designing new highways, making modifications to existing ones, or using Traffic Regulation Orders.
That is why the project owners take help from a dependable traffic consultant with good experience and track record to plan and execute the projects. These consultants offer transport and highway engineering services to their clients, both in the private as well as public sectors. Some companies extend their services nationally and internationally. The following are the services available:
- Transport assessments
- Transport statements
- Vehicular access design
- Traffic impact assessments
- Travel plan co-ordinator role
- Travel plans
- BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) travel plans
- BREEAM travel statements
- Highway condition surveys
- Road safety audits
- Swept path analysis
- Input to impact assessments due to environmental
The Local Plan Policy, which is implemented through the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) and maintained core strategy policies within the UDP (Unitary Development Plan) and LDF (Local Development Framework), is a set of documents that directs planning and development in a local authority area. Traffic and transportation are crucial components of the planning process.
Major development ideas frequently include traffic and transportation as one of their primary drivers, and improving access via sustainable means of transportation to promote social inclusion is crucial.
With its extensive global experience, Ayen Consulting can offer ITS solutions and designs for any situation, from traffic flow management on busy motorway sections to speed reduction measures in isolated issue locations.
Ayen Consulting can assist with high-risk accident locations by providing road safety evaluations and corrective procedures with short- and long-term solutions thanks to its experience and understanding in the field of road safety.
The Ayen Consulting firm can also assist through desktop or site meetings to discuss any traffic-related difficulties you may be having with your project thanks to the knowledge gained from participating in several projects in the UK and many other nations of the world.
The company can provide traffic modelling using Junctions, LinSig, and TRANSYT (TRAffic Network StudY Tool) to assist section and junction designs, with suggested changes to the layout based on the study.
Also, they can offer traffic management initiatives, feasibility studies, and detailed designs for alternate routes, speed management, and ITS in traffic locations with congestion or speed-related concerns.
Swept path analysis for all vehicle types, which highlights traffic patterns within the proposed development, either at the site access, or other sites on the local highway network needing mitigation measures, can be used to support all the designs created by the Ayen Consulting firm.
With saturation flow, traffic volume, and speed surveys to go along with an assessment report, Ayen Consulting firm may offer expert advice and solutions to overcome all the issues at highway linkages, junctions, or places, such as car parking.