
Even though things may seem different now, it’s comforting to know that they will be there for you.

We know you are proud of these life milestones at home. But what if it happens at work?

Birthdays @ Work… What’s the point?

Time to be thankful for the small things

We all need a little joy these days. We’ve recently been finding joy in the small details; celebrating any milestones, however insignificant they may seem.

Although it might not seem like much, birthdays are important in business. Many people see fewer ‘big wins’ professionally at the moment, regardless of whether they’re new clients, large sales or new projects.

This perspective shift doesn’t have be all doom or gloom.Even if you ignore the current situation, are these not pockets of joy?The pandemic taught me one thing: small pleasures, even the smallest, can make a difference in a person’s day.

A morale booster

It is a great business practice to increase morale by seeking out joy and finding reasons why you should celebrate, such a birthday.

It gives people a sense of appreciation and brings people together. This helps to build stronger relationships between employees and the organisation.

Depending on the size and interests of your team or organization, make birthday celebrations a chance to get to know people. This helps the recipient to feel valued and seen. It also reminds everyone that there are other interests and people in their lives.


Before you go crazy and start singing at the piano, here are some words of caution.

Consider the size of the celebration and based on the department or organization. As what you do for one person, you must also do it for another.

Celebrations need to be inclusive. Management should enjoy champagne lunches out with their employees and newbies get stock cards. This will reinforce a hierarchy and not bring people together.

Equally, a party for Mr Popular on Friday can’t be held at the office, but Debbie (Accounts) who is celebrating her birthday on Monday will receive a reduced price Colin the Caterpillar Cake left in the staffroom This is dangerous as it can increase tensions and reinforce cliques.

You don’t have to get carriedaway. The celebration doesn’t have a ton of pomp. You’re likely to celebrate every week if your company has 50 employees.

You should treat all staff equally, regardless their position or tenure. However you must also remember that not everyone loves birthdays or wants them publicized. If an introvert, someone who doesn’t like attention, or somebody who finds celebrating birthdays difficult, it’s best not to force them to do so. Even though some people don’t like fussing, it is possible to discreetly acknowledge the date. A voucher or a day of would be appreciated if they have a regular budget for cake and drinks after work. However you choose to reward your staff, make sure they are treated fairly.


One thing to remember is that you must not miss a birthday if you plan to celebrate it and make it a part of your company’s “thing”. Otherwise that person might feel unappreciated.

A simple calendar should suffice.